Sunday, December 26, 2010

A hero

As I find myself sulking because my husband is not home yet, I remind myself that he is a hero.  He worked Christmas Eve so that when the city went nuts and the 911 dispatchers had no access to phones, people could still get help.  He worked Christmas Day and brought a man back to life, as well as taking care of an apartment fire started by college kids and their candles, so they could go home and see their families. We delivered Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve to Engine 2, as well as 3 french toast casseroles (which my husband did not even get to eat because he got transfered to E26) to some hungry firefighters, also away from their families. Yes, I had to play Santa by myself and get everything ready for the big morning.  I had to get 4 kids fed, dressed and pulled away from their toys to see family.  I had to get 4 tired kids put to bed after a long day. But my husband is a hero, making sure families are safe and healthy.  I had to remind myself of that again, when he texted me to tell me he was being sent to E13 (busiest house in the city) for relief and would be late, he is a hero.   I can't wait for my firefighter to get home after 51 hours away (and counting), just to do it again tomorrow.

Such is the beginning of my life as a firefighter wife...

Happy Holidays!!


  1. Hugs to you for having to do both days. This year I got him home on Christmas day and only had to do Eve on my own. My kids are teens now so they aren't as much work, it's just the missing him part.

    I hope you had a great holiday despite the loneliness I know happens. I have a blog about dealing with it as well and we can commiserate and celebrate together.

  2. Thanks Val - the kids kept me busy, so it was not too bad until they went to sleep. Next year will be less painful, there will be a new class of Cubs to be mandated on the holiday. And I will have a year of this life under my belt. (Perhaps everyone out of Pull-ups, as well!! :D)

    Happy Holidays!!


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