Thursday, October 18, 2012

Okay, I admit it, I suck at it!

My post yesterday.  All big and bad.  Such a tough girl, I said NO to doing lunch duty.  Oooooooo! That was easily done easier to do, because it was for an adult.  Kids and k9s.  I can't say no.  Now, for the record, that does not mean that I take the kids to the Golden Arches every time they ask or buy them whatever their heart desires.  BUT, when kids hearts are truly in the right place, there is nothing I can do.  I can't say no.  I just can't.

Due to standardized testing, we had all of our classes in the afternoon yesterday.  I proposed doing a service project to really put what we are learning about social justice into action.  I thought, okay, a project for both classes to do together.  Awesome.  Yeah, how about 2 projects from each class for a total of 4 social justice projects.

Yeah, I know.  My FF rolled his eyes, too.  But hear me out and tell me if you could tell these kids no.  Remember, these are seniors.  And in my experience, they tend to be the most self-focused class in high school.  

So my first period class came up with about 20  ideas.  Some were amazing and some were pretty lame, to be honest.  They whittled it down to two.  Doing a Shanty Town for Habitat in our courtyard and making dresses for Dress a Girl Around the World.  Both AMAZING ideas.  Think of the impact!  They couldn't decide.  SO, we decided to do both.  They had true intentions of simply doing good.  Originally they were looking for ideas involving field trips that would get them out of school and yet they chose two events that will require them to give up their oh so precious time.

My next class, same idea.  They started out looking for ways to get out of class and settled on two really good ideas.  One - Stuffing our little 20 passenger school bus with Thanksgiving dinner items and delivering them to a larger Stuff the Bus event in Milwaukee.  Their second idea, not so much based in social justice, but noble none the less was to partner with Children's Hospital to see how we can help them out.  That was in still in the works.  AND both classes wanted to help with the other's projects.  Now, I just added a TON of work to my load and it is all self-inflicted.  Please feel free to remind me that it was indeed my choice.  I am a mom, I am well versed at saying NO, but willingly chose not to.


  1. Gurrrl, you're like watching a car skidding on an ice patch towards a cement wall in slo-mo. It's just a matter of time 'til the crash.

    If you go down, you not only won't be able to do EVERYthing, you won't be able to do ANYthing.

  2. HOLY macaroni, girlie!! I have a hard time saying no to hte kids too :) We'll sleep when we're dead won't we ?!

  3. I wouldn't be able to tell them no either! Those are four great ideas, it makes your heart just melt right? Good luck. Try pacing yourself LOL I'm in Procrastinators Anonymous, so I have no good advice besides have fun!


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