Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Just me call the Pinterest Queen

From recipes to ideas for the kids to DIY possibilities. When I first decided to try Pinterest it became a black hole of my time.  It has, however, become my go to for ideas on how to do things.  I have used it to plan out what veggies go next to each other in the garden and to keep marigolds on the outside to keep the bunnies out, to make a Barbie House out of binders, to create a chore chart and menu board...I could go on and on.

We reused the Purex bottles.  I will have
prettier pictures next time.  These are camera phone
in the basement - ehh, it works, You get the idea.
Since I joined last summer, I have looked at the homemade laundry detergent.  Yesterday three of the muppets and I tackled that task.  I don't have any pictures of the process as it was a shift day and I was sitting on the kitchen floor - which is no easy task with the stupid cast (that comes off in 5 days, btw) - when I thought of grabbing my camera.  Ah well.  The link of the blog -How Does She? can be found here.  It went beautifully.  It was a three stop trip for the materials.  Walgreens had the Purex as a BOGO, Pick n Save is where if found everything else - except for the bar soap, which necessitated a trip to Wal-Mart, which is not my favorite place to navigate on crutches.  All in it cost us under $28 - including 2 additional bars of Fels Naptha so I would not have to run around the next time.  Now, supposedly, this will last a year.  My money is on 6 months, but I will let you know.  
There are probably 6 more bottles here.  At 2 Tsp. per load,
we'll be okay for a bit.

What did I learn?  The kids LOVED dumping the stuff in, especially when it created a cloud o' soap.  O loved stirring and sticking her hands in as I filled up the smaller bottles.  And don't use your Ninja's food processor, use the good old 1970's stand by from the basement- there's a reason why it is still around!  It took us about a half an hour.  Most of that was the learning curve with breaking down the bar soap.  So, I am planning on 20-ish minutes next time.  That works for me.

So, today (since the bug has bit me) I am off to make DIY dishwasher detergent.  Significantly quieter, which is good since my FF is on the couch sleeping.  Four runs after midnight, plus a PNB right at the end of his shift, ehh, I guess he deserves a snooze.  Especially since he took me out for breakfast this morning.

Have a great day. Today, sit down and talk to your FF, but let him be the chatty Cathy.  (Hard for me, to be certain!) And do something fun with your muppets - play hopscotch outside, make sundaes after dinner, watch a movie and make popcorn even though it is a school night.  Love them all to pieces!  Happy Hump Day!

1 comment:

  1. Girl you are totally a Pinterest Queen! Awesome! I'm going to make my own deterge one of these days. I still have some bottles of deterge left from the good ol' days of extreme coupon shopping....before that tv show and the idjits ruined it.


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