Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spoke Too Soon

I just had to say that I had nothing to say in order to find something to say.  (Wow, that was a bit Seussical!)  Anyway, I posted this morning that there was nothing moving my spirit to write or talk or anything other than just being.  And here I am on my front porch, enjoying the lovely evening before the storms and I find my inspiration on Facebook no less.  I was so moved, I sent my inspiration on to every teacher in both of our buildings, simply so they too could be inspired.

We are in the midst of Anti-bullying week at our school, both campuses.  One of the girls behind the week is amazing, but she is also very sensitive, almost to the point where she perceives bullying, where I really don't know if there is.  But she none-the-less has done an amazing job in making the kids aware that what they say and how they act, effects others around them.

The 17 year-old young man on this video, reminds me so much of my girl I am thinking of.  She is shy and she does not yet have the self-confidence she truly is capable of.  As I said, I was so moved, I sent this to every teacher in both buildings of our school.  Here is my verbatim message from the email:
I thought this was an amazing illustration, that the kids can relate to, that applies to our anti-bullying message of the week.  Every child is a gift from God and every child of God is given gifts from God.  We just need to help the kids recognize them.

We should all be helping those around around us, recognize and develop those gifts we have so graciously been given.  As I heard one of our speakers say yesterday at our adult faith formation at school, we should not enter the Kingdom of Heaven with our gifts there waiting for us, unopened.  We need to acknowledge them and use them for the greater Good for which they were intended.



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