Monday, January 27, 2014


It can go away.  And I NEVER say that.

I wait for that first snowflake to come.  I want to play in the snow, watch my Muppets and Polar Bears romp in the fluffy beautiful-ness that is winter.  Snowmen, snowball fights, sledding and walks in the snowflakes.  All so very Norman Rockwell.  

I mourn the winters when we have 65 degree Christmas breaks and dread the muddy paw prints that coat my kitchen floor.

This year, it can all GO!  

It is too cold for the kids to play.  It is too cold for the polar bears to go out and play.  They are all caged animals at the moment and we are on our 4th cancelled day of school.  I am OVER IT!  

I want sun and 65 and green grass and ... anything but this. 

My FF is on shift - so unfair.  Leaving me with the caged monkeys AND making me distract myself, rather than continually hope he does NOT catch a fire in this weather.  We won't see ZERO for a few days, and that is without figuring in the wind chill factor.  Sooo, there are several sets of cotton and wool long underwear, quite a few sets of hand and feet warmers and several pairs of wool socks.  We hit up the sporting good stores the last round of polar air.  

We mourn the passing of two of Toledo's own.  There is nothing that will warm up those families.  Sending thoughts and prayers for healing and acceptance of your new reality.  Please hold the families and the departments close to your heart.

It is so cold.  But, God willing, he will come home  to me tomorrow.  For that I will settle in and be grateful.  It is still cold, but it my lovely FF makes it a bit warmer.

To all the fire, police, EMS personnel out there.  Be safe, stay warm, come home.

To my FF, come home, our children will need your sanity by morning.

Stay Warm.

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