My turn
I swear to you...we all got our flu vaccines. Truly we did. There are 3 different school buildings, a home daycare and whatever myriad of creepy crawlies my husband brings home. And yet, here we are. Liv was hospitalized, her big sister did not want to miss out on the fun, and now it is my turn.
Today was Superhero Day at work. There is a spirit week to celebrate the winter formal this weekend. I dressed, you guessed it, as a firefighter. Complete with that heavy helmet. Mind you, I left the bunker gear at home and there is no way I am sticking my feet in J's boots, so truthfully - I wore his polo and grabbed his helmet. Anyway, there was a point here, one of my seniors was being funny about the helmet and touched my neck. He complained that I was HOT! I began to scold him, again, for this senior has a bit of a MILF complex going on - complete with flowers being brought to my class everyday for 3 months. He protested and said, "No, Mrs. H. I mean you are really hot - you are burning up." Hmmmm, I feel fine - then the light goes on. Oh no! Not again!
So, I talk to J on the way home. He decides it is time to call the doc, even though it is after hours. By the time I get home, he is waiting for a call back from the on-call doc. I check my temp 102.1, not good. Phone rings, it is Dr. Hill, who say she is not surprised to her from me. She does not like my fever. I run 97.3 like clockwork, so 102.1 = 103.4 for everyone else. As we are chatting I bark in her ear, again not good. I tell her, but I feel fine. Her response, "And when J has to work this whole weekend to make up for this week, what happens when you no longer feel 'fine'?" Touché, Dr. Hill, touché . How did she know about the Blue Shift??
So, J is off to Walgreen's to grab my Tamiflu and coughdrops.
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