There is reason #1 - he loves me as I am. A hot tempered, sharp tongued red head, who has no issues speaking her mind. I call a spade, a spade - even if the proper term is digging implement.
Reason #2 He is a loving and patient man. With his patients, with his children, with school kids and with me. I could ask for no more than that. This is probably what makes me the most proud to be his wife. You should see him subbing in the preschool, helping out a total stranger, helping the neighbor kids with math homework - in sidewalk chalk. FFs often get a bad rap for having too much testosterone and not enough empathy. My FF proves that is not the case.
Reason #3 - He would give me the moon if he could. He very rarely, if ever, tells me no. He will save, work OT, whatever needs to be done, just to give me the little things that once upon a time I so took for granted.
Reason #4 He followed his dreams. The world of education - although he was amazing in it, left him feeling unfulfilled. So many people, especially with a wife and four children, would have stayed there. It paid the bills. But it was not for him and at the age of 34, he left his comfort zone of 4th grade public education and entered the fire academy. And he stuck with it, even when it was kicking his arse and he did not think he could continue on. He choose the road less traveled, and for that he can stand tall.
Reason #5 - He has introduced the world of aquatic life into our home. We started with cheap little fresh water fish in a little 10 gallon hex tank. At one point we had a 72 gallon bowfront reef salt water tank and an 75 gallon planted discus tank. We now have a 14 gallon nano reef. I love sitting and watching the fish. The colors of the corals. Sometimes, just walking through the fish store, dreaming of the tank we could have built when we win the lottery. That never came into my life until I started dating my husband. He set up a tank in his dorm room, drove through snow storms - just to get fish for me.
He's the 3rd one from the Concert Choir, September 1995 - 4 months before we started dating. |
Reason #7 - He lets me have dogs. They keep me company (and safe) when he is gone. I would be miserable without them. Since our first pup all those years ago, I have promised that the next would be "his" dog. But, I can't leave them alone and they all bond with me. And he is okay with it.
Reason #8 - We have 4 beautiful kids. I never wanted kids. He talked me into 1 and I fell in love. As insane as they make my life. As insane as they simply are, I would not trade them for anything. He even tolerates my goo goo eyes when I see a baby. We're going on 5 years without one in this house - that is a record. They are all miracles and they are all thanks to my husband's kind soul.
Reason #9 - He is encouraging. Regardless of what I do, he supports me. Regardless of what goofy ideas come into my head, he supports me. When I see a turn of the century firehouse that I have never noticed, he will make a U-turn and take me back so I can grab some pictures. He supports every hobby I have ever had - from bowling (ask him about the 14 bowling balls we have moved several times now) to music, from creating jewelry to preserving images in the digital world - he has always been right there as a cheerleader. (Trust me, those sexy legs look good in a skirt.)
Reason #10 - I love him. No easy feat. I love to be around him. I don't get bored talking to him. Sounds trite, but I seem to bore easily with members of the opposite gender (sorry for any I may have offended). We have grown up together - since just about his 20th birthday when he blew me off for Fishhead (I got him a month later - no worries!). He is my best friend and for that I am forever grateful that he came into my life.
Love your firefighters, even when they are driving you insane. Even when you have been locked inside the house like the little old woman who live in a shoe. Even when EVERYTHING that could go wrong did - all because he is on his third 48 in a row. Love your firefighter and show them that they are loved. Maybe making a list like this each time will help when all you can see is what drives you crazy and what they HAVEN'T done while they are on shift. You are after all a Firefighter's Wife.
Inspired by Erin H. in our Amazing group! I needed some inpsiration