Thursday, May 10, 2012


Not my LR, but I am excited for this to be my future!
I am being bold,  I am painting my living room red.  Black leather furntiture, b/w photography from 1920s Paris.  Not for everyone, maybe not even for my FF. But, he is indulging me.  Tomorrow after he gets done with his shift and before he represents the department in a local middle school for anti-bullying program he is part of, he is going to stop and tape off the living room for me so I can paint this weekend.  

I am excited and will most certainly have pictures to post.  Perhaps I will even get adventurous and have the whole first floor done, assuming that I can get someone to watch the muppets for me since my hubby is working.


  1. I like the sound of the red, black, and b&w photos decor, but I put a lot of stock in the "color mood" theory.

    "Red is typically associated with energy, danger, power, and love. This color has been known to increase blood pressure and raise appetites."

    Red is usually better for suited for kitchens, diningrooms, and BDSM playrooms, lol.

    I'll be curious to hear after a little while if there's any merit to it. If the room isn't relaxing, or makes you eat more.

    1. LOL - Ummm, the playroom idea, let me get back to you! I wanted it for the dining room, but it is actually a bedroom we are using as a dining room. But, I will let you know my findings! :D

  2. My mom has a red kitchen I have coveted for years! She also has white cabinets, blackish granite counters, darkish hardwood floor and a clock theme. (She even has an elvis clock that shakes his hips -huhhuh) It's awesome. I bet yours will rock!!

    1. I will be so excited to see it all come together. I wish this was 2 weeks later so I did not have to divide my time! Everything seems to happen at the beginning and end of the school year!


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