Thursday, May 3, 2012

Video Games and Spongebob

Some days I feel like a bad mommy.  Santa brought the letters DS to life this Christmas (making the days when my husband is working, but I have a 3 hour meeting after school manageable), there is a Wii in my living room for rainy days (which I was CERTAIN would never come into my home!)  and I toss Spongebob up on Netflix when I need to get papers graded and O is just demanding my attention.  And the guilt comes pouring in.

I know that the kids are aware of the limits.  There is no fussing when I say, "No, go outside and play."  And all four can play outside in the days of my childhood.  So, I must be doing something right.  But, none-the-less, I feel like a lazy mommy when I use technology as a babysitter.  It is usually when J is on shift and I just need an extra set of hands.

I guess it is just one of those moments where I realize that there is no way, practically speaking, to be that ideal parent that I had in my mind when I was partying like it was 1999...well as much as I could on bedrest anyway.  I would never allow video games to steal my kids' brains and videos would never be used to babysit...well, Netflix is streaming and the VHS are packed up, so technically speaking...

17 school days and 2 exam days left, but I am not sure who's counting.


  1. I feel the mommy guilt too. But sometimes you just gotta do it. Netflix saves my sanity at least once a day....or we would never eat - since my two little clinger monkeys would never let my hands be free long enough to not burn dinner....

    I have been assuaging my guilt lately by telling myself, it wouldn't be fair to #3 if I overdid it and went into early labor. Especially, since braxton hicks, round ligament pain, and contractions have already made an appearance!

    1. You stay pregnant, the rest is just details, esp since you will have to keep your sanity with 3 so young.

  2. I think the only times the boys could really play together without someone getting insulted or injured was then they played video games together.
    I also think the video games probably helped with my youngest son's motor skills.

    We didn't really know about "tv babysitting" when mine were small. I liked for mine to watch tv because they learned things from the shows like Sesame Street and Barney, and the other cartoons kept them quiet part of the time.
    I noticed they still played together and with toys even when the tv was on a lot of the time.

    Anyway, now they are 17, 21, and 25 and none of them are big tv watchers. The 17yo tends to keep his on for background noise (he keeps it on Food Network, but has absolutely no interest in cooking and not even much in eating. It's so funny to me).
    The 21yo rarely turns his on, only some nights when he can't sleep, because watching tv makes him go to sleep, lol.

    They do spend an excessive amount of time online, but so do I, so I can't really say anything about that. There's just so much to do on the computer/internet, and they are apparently paying attention to what's going on in the real world and around them. I've brought up things I read on the news headlines or someone's facebook page, and they'll know exactly what I'm talking about, and usually know more about it than I do.

    I just haven't found technology to be all that bad, all these years later.


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